Prior to joining the AutoML team at iQGateway, I initially worked on analyzing students’ performance through data generated by a Technology-Enabled Social Learning Platform (EdTech) for a client, one of India’s leading IT service organizations. I designed and built structured staging tables using SQL to draw inferences, resulting in the automation of report generation for the platform. The preliminary Descriptive Analysis involved data cleansing, binning, and extracting data to inference tables, leading to the formation of detailed reports that contained high-value actionable insights and data visualizations. Performing further Exploratory Data Analysis helped me understand Business Process Models and Notations, which enabled efficient information extraction from the various entity relationships. I became adept at using MS Excel to pivot the data, making it fit for analysis. Lastly, the Inferential Analysis led to reports used as nomination collaterals for awards by the client. A notable recognition of this work was evidenced when the client won the coveted Outstanding HR initiative Award at the 2020 Global Business Excellence Awards.